
I moved some squares around and called it twiddling with the layout, but what now, I don’t know – there’s loads of copywriting to do still, but nothing ever stays still.  I’m meant to be freelancing more but that’s not going to happen when I can’t even control a thought or a muscle.

The town centre is dangerously close – TOO many people there and what do I do but make a scene, talking to the voices because they WON’T SHUT UP!!

You’re lost.  They’re watching you you’re a freak they’re monitoring you, soon soon the time will soon-soon.

But you see, I’m destined.  For greatness, I don’t know what.  They know, they know I know, so it’s okay to put here – if they could tell me… but that would only be a bad thing, I don’t want them that close.


They look like this.  So innocuous.

I love this song.

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